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Dog gets kisses and pats as he leaves the shelter with his new pet parent

A video of employees at an animal shelter saying goodbye to a dog after he was adopted will melt your heart into a puddle. Regina Humane Society took to Facebook to share the video. They also added a caption to explain how the dog named Jax is going to his forever home with his pet dad.

The image shows people petting and kissing the dog named Jax. (Facebook/@Regina Humane Society)
The image shows people petting and kissing the dog named Jax. (Facebook/@Regina Humane Society)

“It was a tearfully happy Friday afternoon when all the staff gathered to send off our boy Jax. He formed a perfect bond with his new dad, and it was time to go home. After greeting his adopter, he made his way around the room and said goodbye to every person there. It was an incredibly sweet moment to end his long stay at the Shelter. Have a great life, Jax!” the shelter wrote on Facebook.

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Also Read: Shelter dog’s reaction after finding forever home melts hearts

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The video opens to show a group of people sitting in a corridor. Soon, Jax comes out of a room with his pet dad and starts walking towards the people. As he inches closer, they hug the dog and also shower him with kisses.

Take a look at this heartwarming video of the adopted dog:

VIDEO: Shelter dogs' reactions to being adopted
We Love Animals

The video was shared a few months ago on March 6. Since then, it has gone viral. Till now, the clip has accumulated close to 4.9 million views. The share has also gathered tons of comments.

Also Read: Video shows rescue puppy’s first day at forever home

VIDEO: Parents Surprise Daughter with Dog she had been caring for at shelter.
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What did Facebook users say about this video of the dog?

VIDEO: Shelter dog realizes he’s been adopted
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“Jax you have an amazing owner and I'm so happy for both of you,” expressed a Facebook user. “I love all dogs! More than the people I know!” commented another. “What a lovely send-off! Enjoy your new life and family, Jax. So happy for you!” added a third.

“Aww so sweet! Have a great life Jax and thank you for adopting him,” joined a fourth. “I’m so very happy for both Jax and his new dad. Lots of love, fun and good health. Thank you dad for adopting beautiful Jax, he deserves a new forever home. They all do,” wrote a fifth.


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Author: Jesse Foster

Last Updated: 1702588082

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Author information

Name: Jesse Foster

Birthday: 1922-07-30

Address: 3140 William Garden, Rossfort, AK 91436

Phone: +3555075279162963

Job: Paramedic

Hobby: Playing Guitar, Juggling, Badminton, Reading, Survival Skills, Running, Running

Introduction: My name is Jesse Foster, I am a lively, forthright, venturesome, steadfast, expert, resolved, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.