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Discover Why Gigi Paris and Glen Powell Actually Split Up, as well as the Reasons Behind Gigi Unfollowing Sydney Sweeney

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    By now, you’ve probably heard that Glen Powell and Gigi Paris have broken up, leading to even more speculation about Glen and his costar Sydney Sweeney (for the record: TMZ confirmed that literally nothing is going on between them AND that Sydney is still with her fiancé).

    And here’s the thing: According to a source, Glen and Gigi’s split had everything to do with long-distance and zero to do with Sydney.

    “Gigi and Glen had broken up several times,” an insider tells People. “They had been on the rocks since Top Gun came out. Gigi was never happy with the long-distance filming, and when she came to Australia, they both decided to break up for good.”

    Oh, and apparently, they are on good terms: “It wasn’t about infidelity. She’s on different coasts modeling; he’s on different coasts filming. When she left, they were on great terms.”

    So, why did Gigi unfollow Sydney on Instagram? According to a second source, “Gigi only unfollowed Sydney on social media because Sydney never followed her back. This had nothing to do with Glen and Sydney. Gigi is aware that Glen and Sydney never hooked up.”

    As for flirty vibes between Glen and Sydney (ahem: see video below), this source says, “They’re filming a movie that’s a romantic comedy! It’s like when people say about movie stars, ‘Oh, they have such good chemistry.’ It’s just their job. They’re friends that met on set. They’re costars.”

    Kay, this has been an update, byeeeeeeeee.

    Headshot of Mehera  Bonner

    Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm, She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. 


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    Author: Bryan Ramirez

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    Name: Bryan Ramirez

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    Introduction: My name is Bryan Ramirez, I am a resolved, candid, exquisite, receptive, dazzling, welcoming, accomplished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.